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Jump To: Directory (187)  |  Archive (57)  |  Text (2)  |  Other (35)

Directories (187)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
16550 FIFO an- und ausschalten2   4DOS Prompt Here2   ACCUSET v3.5b2
AMI-Setup v2.99.02   Analyser 1.302   Anytime 1.02
Automate 96 3.5h2   BackTalk 1.32   Batch Print 1.02
Binary File Splitter 5_932   Bloodhound 2.22   Boot Editor2
Boot System Create Utility 7.C02   BootMaster '95 7.002   BS-Katapult 1.02
Bugfix für Windows 95b2   Cafe Babe2   Caller ID2
CD-Info 1.582   CD-Quick Cache 2.02   Cheap Rip Paint (save & editin)2
Choice 4.152   Chrono Logic 1.042   Cityruf fuer Windows 3.x2
Clasp 97 2.1.22   Clean Up 2.62   Cleansweep 3.0 Trial2
Com-Spy95 4.12   CommEx1.20_ Add functions to Win2   CompuSlave for Windows2
Comrate 2.2 fuer Windows2   Configuration Manager 3.122   Cool Mouse 2.02
CRT Alignment Tools 2.02   CTS Serial Port Utilities 4.2 42   Demo VoiceConnect Win 3.02
dForm 1.0 DOS2   Disk-Arella 1.22   Diskcopy v2.02
Display File Systems OS_2 v2.012   DIZ-DIR 3.02   DLL Master 4.02
Doku zum Faxstandart CLASS 12   Doku zum Faxstandart CLASS 22   Dr. Hardware Sysinfo 3.10e2
Drag and View for Win952   DSZ Protokoll Engine Dokument2   Dunce 2.522
Dunce v2.522   Easy Cost Timer v1.62   Easy Cost Timer v1.6. upgrade2
EasyBoot2   ECOMASTER Ecology simulation WIN2   EF Commander 2.24c2
Einwahlscript fuer USR-Modems2   Encrypt-it 3.302   Enigma for Windows v3.22
Exlife für Exchange 1.132   Extended Clipboard_2 0.902   Faxer v1.13
FileManager Utilities OS2 v2.512   FileManager_2 v2.512   FindEXE 1.132
FlatLine v1.04 Powerful Rip2   Flimmer2   Font Show 2.42
Font View 4.02   GSM-SMS 1.02   GSM-SMS 1.21 OS_22
Hamburger Mailboxliste (12_95)2   Hardware Book 1.12   Hardware Book htm 1.12
HD-Copy 1.02   HD95Copy 2.22   HyperView 3.42
IceZModem 1.10 - Protokoll Chat2   Idioms v1.1a2   Info-Pro 1.012
Infospy v2.572   InfoSys 1.02   IRQInfo 1.62
K_oS X-Setup 2.02   K_oS Zoomer 2.02   Keyview für Windows 95_NT2
LifeSaver 3.202   Link Check 5.12   Loupe 3.22
M&I Wineditor 2.22   Michaels Benchmark 2.002   Microsoft Word-Viewer2
Modem Dictionary v2.002   Modem Tool 1.32   Modem-Tool 1.262
ModemSta für Win95 2.02   ModemSta v1.8 for Win2   MoreSpace 95 2.52
Mouse + System Enhancer OS_21   Mr.Ed OS_2 v1.17 dt2   MS Camcorder 972
Netcom 1.12   Netmeeting 2.0 ß2   Network Toolbox 1.3 Win952
Nokia Monitortest2   Nokia-Monitortest2   NWDLL2.EXE_VLMUP3.EXE_WINDR2.EXE2
Offline v1.58 DOS QWK-Reader2   Online Counter 97 v1.02   Online Meter 2.12
Online Timer 5.032   Password Corral 1.0.02   Password Generator 1.02
Password Thief 1.02   Password Tracker Deluxe2   Passwords Plus 2.1a2
Patch für IO.SYS in dt. Win95b2   Pbench 3.12   Peer Sync 32 3.4 Win952
PMCalc 1.002   PortID 1.02   PrivateExe 2.02
Qconfig v2.212   Registry Clean 4.12   Registry Cleaner 4.12
Registry Inkognito 95 4.02   Registry Search & Replace2   Regsurf2
Regview2   RIPe v1.54 - RIP-Editor2   Schedule Wizard 96 1.1b Win952
Secure File System 1.172   SemPoint 2.22b offline Reader2   SendSMS OS_2 v1.42
Sheppard Utility Pack div2   Shredder95 1.0 Beta 32   shutdown fuer Win 952
Si Soft Sandra 1.102   Si Soft Sandra Update 1.192   Softfone 3.02
Sommerzeit-Umstellung (Bugfix)2   SoSo Telefonkosten Manager 2.02   Space Explorer 4.02
Speed Commander 52   Speed Commander IV2   Start-Logos fuer WIN 952
Stomper v3.032   Super Monitor 1.1b2   Super-DIR 6.02
System Benchmark 0.9.1d OS_22   Systemtools_ Version 2.22   T-Kost 1.1 Telefon-Tarife2
TaskBox OS_2 v3.072   Taskmanager 97 Pro2   TCP Speed 1.012
TCP_IP Surveyor 1.2F Win952   TCPSpeed Win952   Telekom Uhr 1.02
Telima 2.32   The Hardware Book 1.02   The Hardware Book Win 3.x 1.02
The Next Tool 1.202   TIRAMISU 3.032   Transfer 95 1.04 Win952
Trashy 1.0a2   Truetype Extensions 2.02   Tuning Guide OS_22
Turbo-Benchmark 1.32   Up-_Download Time Estimate 1.12   VBSys 3.4 Win952
VGA Speed2   Virtual Desktops 2.0 beta2   VRAM Dir 1.06 Win952
Warp 4 F.A.Q. Feb 972   Waste for Windows 952   WF-Listen 3.402
Win-Tools 97 1.22   Win95 Look fuer Win 3.x2   WINBTX Mozart2
Winclean v2.52   WinCode 2.73r2   Winsock Swapper 1.52
winTarif v1.02   WINTUNE95 Version1.02   Word Fax 4.32
Xfile OS_2 v1.02   Yukon Watch 1.02   ZeitTakt '96 1.62
ZR FileWorks Omega 8.12

Archives (57)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
2DESK110.exe PKZip Archive 5 232KB 2014-12-22
4DOS601.exe PKZip Archive 23 800KB 2014-12-22
4NT_301.exe PKZip Archive 19 721KB 2014-12-22
ARCPK95.exe PKZip Archive 3 231KB 2014-12-22
BCM_DIA.arj ARJ Archive 4 4MB 2014-12-22
BLOWFISH.arj ARJ Archive 10 362KB 2014-12-22
CLIPCACH.exe PKZip Archive 13 842KB 2014-12-22
DATYP97.exe PKZip Archive 22 2MB 2014-12-22
DP-PG1F2.arj ARJ Archive 1 9KB 2014-12-22
EDTPADDE.exe PKZip Archive 3 307KB 2014-12-22
EFCW.exe PKZip Archive 2 600KB 2014-12-22
EFCWL.exe PKZip Archive 2 353KB 2014-12-22
EMF.exe PKZip Archive 14 179KB 2014-12-22
FAXFUN.exe PKZip Archive 9 594KB 2014-12-22
FILEMON.exe PKZip Archive 4 61KB 2014-12-22
FILEPROT.exe PKZip Archive 6 67KB 2014-12-22
FLEXALAR.exe PKZip Archive 11 903KB 2014-12-22
FREEPAD.exe PKZip Archive 2 204KB 2014-12-22
GOSCREEN.exe PKZip Archive 2 132KB 2014-12-22
HELPDEC.exe PKZip Archive 10 242KB 2014-12-22
HELPME7.exe PKZip Archive 10 445KB 2014-12-22
IEREM12.exe PKZip Archive 3 40KB 2014-12-22
IMPRINT.exe PKZip Archive 3 347KB 2014-12-22
INFOPRO.exe PKZip Archive 11 1MB 2014-12-22
JAVAP3.arj ARJ Archive 1 2MB 2014-12-22
JC244D.arj ARJ Archive 1 621KB 2014-12-22
LS-024.exe PKZip Archive 6 2MB 2014-12-22
LS-0244U.exe PKZip Archive 11 127KB 2014-12-22
MORSPC95.exe PKZip Archive 4 864KB 2014-12-22
MSTATION.exe PKZip Archive 2 67KB 2014-12-22
MSTBOOT.arj ARJ Archive 1 552KB 2014-12-22
NSPROTO.exe PKZip Archive 11 1MB 2014-12-22
P12GHSTS.exe PKZip Archive 92 1MB 2014-12-22
PKTVIEW.exe PKZip Archive 3 151KB 2014-12-22
REGCL41A.exe PKZip Archive 3 793KB 2014-12-22
REGDOM.exe PKZip Archive 7 425KB 2014-12-22
REGMON95.exe PKZip Archive 4 55KB 2014-12-22
SAFETY.exe PKZip Archive 17 643KB 2014-12-22
SALARM.exe PKZip Archive 2 32KB 2014-12-22
SCANPCI.arj ARJ Archive 1 30KB 2014-12-22
SHORT.arj ARJ Archive 13 833KB 2014-12-22
SNDTIGER.arj ARJ Archive 17 1MB 2014-12-22
SRVPATCH.exe PKZip Archive 1 17KB 2014-12-22
TBROWSER.arj ARJ Archive 1 2MB 2014-12-22
TC32201.exe PKZip Archive 21 802KB 2014-12-22
TELE-98.exe PKZip Archive 9 190KB 2014-12-22
TLSMN102.exe PKZip Archive 11 3MB 2014-12-22
TYPOGRAF.arj ARJ Archive 15 2MB 2014-12-22
UNIXDO32.exe PKZip Archive 13 4MB 2014-12-22
VC49904A.exe PKZip Archive 15 103KB 2014-12-22
W95KERNL.exe PKZip Archive 16 57KB 2014-12-22
W95POWER.exe PKZip Archive 31 223KB 2014-12-22
W97LEX.exe PKZip Archive 1 439KB 2014-12-22
WCRN131.exe PKZip Archive 37 3MB 2014-12-22
WCRN132U.exe PKZip Archive 15 113KB 2014-12-22
WINCRO10.exe PKZip Archive 15 889KB 2014-12-22
Z_DESK.arj ARJ Archive 20 872KB 2014-12-22

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
info.txt Text File 1,287 34KB 2014-12-22
url.txt Text File 1 16b 2014-12-22

Other Files (35)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ALERT600.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 3MB 2014-12-22
BACKUP97.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 678KB 2014-12-22
CABMN97A.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 1MB 2014-12-22
CC92998E.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 6MB 2014-12-22
CPURL221.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 211KB 2014-12-22
CW_210A.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 401KB 2014-12-22
DECEXT.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 225KB 2014-12-22
ESSTOOLS.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 28 3MB 2014-12-22
FILEFER.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 934KB 2014-12-22
GS51W95.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 3MB 2014-12-22
HLP2RTF.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 304KB 2014-12-22
KXST30.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 14 2MB 2014-12-22
LIFE341.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 2MB 2014-12-22
MIX.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 3MB 2014-12-22
NEOSETUP.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 2MB 2014-12-22
NST31.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 17 2MB 2014-12-22
NWREDUP4.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 226KB 2014-12-22
PASSPRO.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 31 2MB 2014-12-22
PCI-PL05.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 76KB 2014-12-22
PCOPUS.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 2MB 2014-12-22
PGPFW60.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 6MB 2014-12-22
PWLVIEW.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 2014-12-22
RECALL70.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 3MB 2014-12-22
SAFEH180.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 1MB 2014-12-22
SECUPD.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 496KB 2014-12-22
SECUPD2.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 509KB 2014-12-22
UNMOZ_IE.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 84KB 2014-12-22
USER.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 3MB 2014-12-22
VRDRUPD.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 216KB 2014-12-22
WC32V351.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 8 1MB 2014-12-22
WINNCCDM.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 12 1MB 2014-12-22
X-WIN411.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6 4MB 2014-12-22
X8P1.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 48KB 2014-12-22
XDEMO_D.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 3MB 2014-12-22
ZOOM.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3 2MB 2014-12-22